Consortium for Educational Research and Advancement (CERA) is an educational research and consultant firm that partners directly with schools, school districts and educational organizations to create systems that improve student achievement and teacher and leadership effectiveness. Established in 2016, Consortium specializes in providing professional development, technical assistance, and coaching to our school partners, which can be customized based on the needs of our clients. Collectively, with our faculty, we have over 40 years developing teachers and leadership. Consortium specializes in an "all hands on deck" approach, which allows our team to model, collaborate, support and advise on effective practices that increase adult capacity and achievement. We believe in a collaborative culture that will sustain a collaborative culture that allows a team to feel comfortable engaging in the work together. Our work is informed by our theory of action.
Consortium has a Theory of Action that guides our work with our partner schools:
● If we engage administrators and teachers in a collaborative continuous school improvement process that involves a cycle of goal-setting, action-planning and the implementation of an instructional and social emotional learning approach to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes, then we will build the capacity of teachers and leaders to improve their knowledge and skills, which will translate into achievement for all students.
We create excellent schools and workplaces where students and adults thrive by creating effective practitioners who are prepared to enter classrooms and work places ready to transform the educational and social emotional learning outcomes of students.
Consortium has a collaborative model that ensures all partners understand the roles and responsibilities of the work and can align our goals to each other. Consortium gathers and analyzes data through a Needs Assessment to determine strengths, challenges and areas of growth. The needs assessment provides clarity about a starting place to begin collaborative work. The process of gathering data also ensures that all partners are communicating the same goals for school improvement. Consortium develops a scope of services described as "Impact Cycles." The cycles provides a scope of services for a duration of time that involves professional development, technical assistance and coaching. The cycles of development aligns to the strengths and challenges as indicated on the needs assessment. Consortium collaborates with our partners to track and monitor progress through quarterly alignment meetings to ensure we are reaching our targeted outcomes.
Work collaboratively with the team to engage the client in services requested in the scope of work. Continue to monitor improvement strategies using data determined by CERA and instructional leadership team.
Analyze student achievement data to improve classroom practice and use a researched based coaching model to support teaching practice.
Develop tools and strategies to build leadership and teacher capacity to improve instruction, curriculum development, and school culture.
Develop evidenced based reports from student achievement data and observations of practice.
Advanced Degree in Education
School Leadership and Administration Experience is a Plus
Expertise in Curriculum Planning, Successful School Transformation, Instructional Coaching, and Building School Culture
Strong Knowledge of Data-Driven Decision-Making Practices
Strong Verbal and Written Communication Skills
Strong Project Management Skills
Experience Building Successful Relationships With District and School Leaders
Willingness to Travel